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We’ve pushed a new update on the Pathverse app!

If you don’t have automatic updates on, check your App Store for this update!

Developer Notes:

  1. New and improved UI for fitness trackers
      • Added monthly summary charts for daily steps and MVPA
      • Improved animation for progress bars
      • Added new icons
      • Improved UI responsiveness on different phone sizes
      • Improved tracker line charts
      • Added data download for trackers (must be enable by researcher on Admin platform)
  2. New and improved UI for modules
      • Added scroll bar on cards to improve UI
      • Optimized screen layout by removing module title on each card
      • Improved heart rate calculator card
  3. Improved performance
      • Improved tracker stat data sorting
      • Reduced data collection queries from database
  4. Code converted null safety
      • Migrated app code base to null safety
  5. Improved general UI and responsiveness
      • Improved tracker UI on iPad, iPad Pro, and iPad mini

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