2022, what a year for the Pathverse team!
From one research project to becoming an incorporated company, 2022 was a big year for us. We are honoured to be supporting researchers internationally and can’t wait to be in more research labs this year!
We transformed from delivering standard intervention study content to ecological momentary assessment (EMA), to now support just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs). We can’t wait to continue to expand the capabilities of our platform.
Beyond content delivery methods, we added many new features to support your mHealth studies! To many a few, features such as social forums, study resources, various survey types, and full-screen video compatibility to make your mHealth interventions even more engaging!
Further, we shared our development and usability process in the Journal of Medical Internet Research. If you haven’t had a chance to read this article, you can find it here.
We also had the opportunity to meet many amazing researchers at the SCAPPS and CSEP conferences as exhibitors in Montreal, Quebec and Fredericton, New Brunswick, respectively.
You may have also seen us in Phoenix, Arizona, at the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting, where we shared how our platform was used for its first study.
We also connected with many Kinesiologists across British Columbia to collaborate on how to best support this health profession.
We can’t wait to continue to attend conferences nationally and internationally in 2023! Stay tuned for where we’ll be this year.

Most importantly, our team has continued to grow to support the development, customer experience, and academic research sides of Pathverse. Read more about our fantastic team members here.
Here’s to 2023!